Atlanta Projects
Fall 2020 Online Tutoring and Computer Donation
While COVID-19 has caused many changes around the world, Tech Gap’s mission doesn’t change. Tech Gap is offering online tutoring to students and has donated laptops to children in need for online learning. Please reach out if you know a student in need of computer access to learn!
Summer 2020 Learning Labs and Food Donations
Covid-19 has the world on shutdown, but Tech Gap Reboot isn’t quitting our work to help those in need. We’re continuing our Summer learning labs at reduced sizes with mask use and delivering food to a family in need.
Fall 2019 & Spring 2020 Tutoring
We developed such strong bonds with the homeless students we mentored during our summer learning labs that we wanted to continue meeting with them during the school year. On August 5, 2019 we launched a study hall program that meets every Monday and Tuesday after school. We have over 30 students on the roll, averaging 17-20 students each session. We have partnered with a local ministry that provides the physical space for study hall, and Tech Gap Reboot brings in the tutors and hardware to help the students with their homework. We teach them how to use technology to aid them in their studies or to learn a new skill, and we even do simple things like work on math facts and phonics with our younger students. We use downtime to have fun and simply be a friend or mentor.
If you are interested in volunteering your time to tutor any of our students, please email us at for more information. Our tutors are high school students, retired teachers, and anyone else who has a passion to help the youth in our community.
Summer 2019 Learning Labs
With the partnership of another local non-profit we completed over 250 hours of community service helping local undeserved children in the Atlanta community via tutoring both with technology and educational labs! Local high school students and teachers came with hearts wide open to help instill a true love for learning in these kids!
What the student volunteers had to say:
Sam Wells
“I had an absolute blast this summer helping these kids through labs and playing games with them! I was astounded by how smart each and everyone of them were, and how quickly they could learn new information.”
Claire Hensley
“I was so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of a nonprofit that gives underprivileged kids access to technology resources, amazing teachers, and fun games with us volunteers!”
Ayusha Prasad
“These past two months working with such bright and kind souls have given me some of the most rewarding and heartwarming experiences. Whether it was learning the chemistry behind making ice cream or the physics behind batteries, these kids were always so eager to explore.”
Lanie Cantrell
“Seeing the smiles and joy on the kids faces was massively rewarding! I’m glad they were able to learn from such fun labs provided by teachers that myself and my classmates have been taught by and loved. I hope they’ve been instilled with a new love for learning!”
Avery Watson
“This summer could not have been more incredible and inspiring. Helping the kids expand their knowledge with technology and watching as new doors open for them gave my summer a whole new meaning.”
Evani Patel
“I had so much fun at these sessions where I had the pleasure to know and teach all of the kids! It was amazing to see what an impact teaching can have when people employ a multitude of teacher lectures, interactive activities, and tablets services in just a few hours.”
Elizabeth Rice
“I loved getting to be a part of this foundation, whether by assisting the amazing KMHS teacher volunteers with fun science labs or by getting children excited about learning through educational apps or through simply serving snow cones to sweet families.”
Sam Dembowitz
“While I was unsure about how close I would get with the kids, I was blown away by how engaged they were with the technological material. I was also amazed by how well the teachers created lessons that engaged the kids while still being educational.”
Alex Eum
“Over the summer, I enjoyed watching the kids learn about technology, and seeing the smiles on their faces always made my day. It was an amazing opportunity for the kids to discover and explore different aspects of technology, and it was overall a wonderful experience.”
James Peterson
“I really enjoyed working with the kids this summer, it was cool to see the joy on the kid’s faces as they played on the tablets, played 4 square, and just had a great time.”
Elizabeth Patel
“So grateful to help out with such an amazing nonprofit that gives kids access to technology, education, and fun! It was so exciting to see such big smiles on these children’s faces each and every day they came out.”
Nhi Diep
“I was touched and astonished because of the drive that I saw within every individual that I was given the opportunity to meet. I enjoyed being able to interact and learn along with these kids and see their joy in using the technology! The kids were such lovable goofs!”
Maddy Walczak
“I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with Tech Gap Reboot this summer. I got the opportunity to see the kids open up and hear about some of their passions and enjoy all the fun activities that the teachers planned.”
Kendall Colenbaugh
"Seeing the kids use their tablets to learn and collaborate with one another was simply amazing. I was very excited to see the kids interacting and learning with the awesome teacher labs we had set up. I had a blast this summer!”
Hannah Lewis
“Volunteering with this organization gave me the chance to watch so many young students become absolutely obsessed with learning. These students had a passion for taking on new challenges and their drive was infectious every single moment.”